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A group of young people playing foosball in a rec center.

Youth drop-in centers can help support young people by offering a safe space and access to resources such as food, housing, educational assistance, and more. Check out this list of some youth centers throughout Pennsylvania, organized regionally.

Youth MOVE PA is not necessarily affiliated with the organizations listed here. Please visit each organization's website for more information, including hours of operation and services provided.


Clubhouse Of Lehigh County

Allentown, PA

Membership is open to anyone who is living in Lehigh County, is 18 years of age or older, and has a history of living with a mental health illness.

Hope Springs Clubhouse

Reading, PA

Hope Springs Clubhouse is a Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program that provides services for 16-25-year-olds with a serious mental illness. As a provider of transitional age youth services, Hope Springs is helping bridge the gap between the child service system and the adult service system.

Free Fall Action Sports

Quakertown, PA

Our Mission: Provide athletes and fans a positive, encouraging environment where they can belong, develop skills and abilities, and can be introduced to the true adventure of knowing and following Jesus. Free Fall serves the Quakertown Community by offering regular park-side support, yearly events and competitions, and the opportunity for students to experience the benefits of being a part of a team.

Youth Drop-In Center – Diocese of Scranton

Scranton, PA

The Youth Drop-In Center is for youth ages 14 -18 who are present with mental health issues and/or other system involvement: Juvenile Probation, Children & Youth, IEP, and home school. The YDC is a safe place (which means non-judgmental, empowering, and safe environment) in downtown Wilkes-Barre that offers youth a variety of activities including socialization, education, advocacy, and networking with their peers to combat isolation and provide opportunities for self-help.

The Attic Youth Center - A safe space where it's OK2BU!

Philadelphia, PA

The Attic Youth Center’s mission is to create opportunities for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Questioning (LGBTQ) youth to develop into healthy, independent, civic-minded adults within a safe and supportive community and to promote the acceptance of LGBTQ youth in society.

Youth Emergency Service (

Philadelphia, PA

HopePHL offers several Youth Emergency Services to assist youth ages 9-17 who are housing insecure, or who face a risk of child abuse or neglect.


Cornerstone Youth Center

Elizabethtown, PA

Our Mission: To provide a safe and fun environment where youth can build healthy relationships, be introduced to the Gospel, and experience wholeness in life through Christ. Serves middle and high school students after school and on Friday evenings.

Shelter & Independent Living - Centre County Youth Service Bureau

State College, PA

 The Burrowes Street Youth Haven serves youth 12-17 who are homeless, runaway, or at risk of running away or becoming homeless due to difficulties within their homes. Youth are welcome to access the shelter whenever they need a safe place to stay, day or night.

Youth Centers & Community Outreach - Centre County Youth Service Bureau

Bellefonte & Snow Shoe

Open to all school-aged youth after school. The center provides a safe, supervised environment for kids where they can be with friends, get a snack or a meal, find help with homework, and participate in fun and meaningful programming with staff.


Crawford County Mental Health Awareness Program (CHAPS)

Meadville, PA

CHAPS' peer-run Drop-In Center provides an atmosphere of peer support, empowerment, education, advocacy, and enrichment for adults with mental illness. It is a socialization hub where acceptance and belonging are encouraged. A person's abilities and skills are recognized with each person participating as they choose. Open 365 days a year, the consumer-run center offers a wide range of activities. Programs offered include: peer support groups, guest speakers, movies, dances, field trips, billiards, educational opportunities, computer access, and volunteer opportunities.

The Beacon

Pittsburgh, PA

Located in the heart of Squirrel Hill, The Beacon is a vibrant community space with a focus on uplifting and supporting the well-being and mental health of teens in high school. It offers programs that introduce mindfulness and self-awareness to help teens improve their emotional literacy. Facilitated by trained staff, The Beacon aims to empower teens to advocate for themselves and one another as they learn to care for their mental health.


2551 Walnut Street

Harrisburg, PA 17103

Office Phone:  717.221.1022


Youth Move PA exists in partnership with 
parent organization, PMHCA. Learn more.

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