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Welcome to Youth MOVE PA

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Main Resource Hub

Welcome to our Main Resource Hub! Here, you can find links to resources for a variety of different topics. Click on the tabs below to explore and learn more.

An illustration of a multicolored brain with the caption, "Mental Health".

A blue and purple ribbon with the caption, "Suicide Prevention"

A pile of blue, yellow, and red pills of various shapes and sizes. The caption reads, "Drug and Alcohol Services".

A circle of hands reaching towards each other with the caption, "Peer to Peer Support"

A group of buildings resting on top of a globe with the caption, "Cultural & Linguistic Competency"

A drawing of a heart smiling and lifting a barbell above its head. The caption reads, "Physical Health".

A drawing of the scales of justice with the caption, "Juvenile Justice"

A green icon of two hands holding up a winged staff encircled by snakes. The caption reads, "Service Providers."

An open book laying flat with the caption, "Education".

A drawing of a group of purple stick figures, one of whom is a wheelchair user and another wearing dark glasses, with the caption, "Disability and Autism Resources."

A pink drawing of stick figures and a heart inside the outline of a house. The caption reads, "Parent & Family Resources".

A drawing of a person holding their head inside a black explosion. The caption reads, "Trauma."

A drawing of a group of people turned around and holding hands behind their backs with the caption, "BIPOC Resources"

A colorful drawing of children clustered inside a doorway, smiling and holding art supplies. The caption reads, "Youth Drop-ins and Clubhouses."

Red, orange, blue, and teal hands reaching upward, with the caption, "Youth Advocacy Organizations". 

Have a resource that we should include here?

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Note: Organizations listed here are not necessarily affiliated with Youth MOVE PA. We do not endorse or monitor content presented on websites outside of Youth MOVE PA or PMHCA.


2551 Walnut Street

Harrisburg, PA 17103

Office Phone:  717.221.1022


Youth Move PA exists in partnership with 
parent organization, PMHCA. Learn more.

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